The following is a list of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens which were regarded as rare species by the authors of British Plant Communities, together with the communities in which they occur. ==Vascular plants== * Man Orchid (''Aceras anthropophorum'') CG2, CG3, CG5 * Baneberry (''Actaea spicata'') W9 * Bristle Bent (''Agrostis curtisii'') H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 * Ground-pine (''Ajuga chamaepitys'') CG2, OV15 * the lady's-mantle ''Alchemilla filicaulis'' ssp. ''filicaulis'' CG10 * the lady's-mantle ''Alchemilla acutiloba'' MG3 * the lady's-mantle ''Alchemilla glomerulans'' MG3 * the lady's-mantle ''Alchemilla monticola'' MG3 * the lady's-mantle ''Alchemilla subcrenata'' MG3 * the lady's-mantle ''Alchemilla wichurae'' MG3, CG10 * Babington's leek (''Allium ampeloprasum'' var. ''babingtonii'') OV6 * Chives (''Allium schoenoprasum'') H6, H7, MC5 * Three-cornered garlic (''Allium triquetrum'') OV24 * Bog-rosemary (''Andromeda polifolia'') M2 * Annual vernal-grass (''Anthoxanthum aristatum'') OV1 * Loose Silky-bent (''Apera spica-venti'') OV5 * Bristol Rock-cress (''Arabis stricta'') CG1 * Field Wormwood (''Artemisia campestris'') CG7 * Goldilocks Aster (''Aster linosyris'') CG1 * Purple Milk-vetch (''Astragalus danicus'') H7, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG7, SD11, SD12, MC10, MC5 * Wild Cabbage (''Brassica oleracea'') OV41, MC4, MC5 * Lesser quaking-grass (''Briza minor'') OV1, OV2, OV6 * Lesser Hairy Brome (''Bromus benekenii'') W9 * Great Pignut (''Bunium bulbocastanum'') CG2 * Small Hare's-ear (''Bupleurum baldense'') CG1 * European Box (''Buxus sempervirens'') W13 * Narrow Small-reed (''Calamagrostis stricta'') S1 * Narrow-leaved Bittercress (''Cardamine impatiens'') W8 * Fibrous Tussock-sedge (''Carex appropinquata'') W3 * Hair Sedge (''Carex capillaris'') CG10 * String Sedge (''Carex chordorrhiza'') M4 * Lesser Tussock-sedge (''Carex diandra'') W3 * Elongated Sedge (''Carex elongata'') W2 * Rare Spring-sedge (''Carex ericetorum'') CG2, CG5, CG7 * Dwarf Sedge (''Carex humilis'') CG1, CG2, CG3 * Tall Bog-sedge (''Carex magellanica'') M2 * Soft-leaved Sedge (''Carex montana'') H4, CG2, CG10 * Rock sedge (''Carex rupestris'') CG10 * Common Centaury (''Centaurium erythraea'' var. ''capitatum'') MC5 * Dwarf Mouse-ear (''Cerastium pumilum'') CG1, CG2 * Tuberous Thistle (''Cirsium tuberosum'') MG5, CG2 * Coralroot Orchid (''Corallorrhiza trifida'') W3 * Grey Hair-grass (''Corynephorus canescens'') SD11 * Sea-kale (''Crambe maritima'') SD1 * Northern Hawk's-beard (''Crepis mollis'') W9 * Mezereon (''Daphne mezereum'') W8 * Yellow Whitlowgrass (''Draba aizoides'') CG1, OV41 * Hoary Whitlowgrass (''Draba incana'') CG10 * Crested Buckler-fern (''Dryopteris cristata'') W2 * the fern ''Dryopteris'' × ''uliginosa'', the hybrid of Crested Buckler-fern and Narrow Buckler-fern (''D. carthusiana'') W2 * Dorset Heath (''Erica ciliaris'') H3, H4 * Cornish Heath (''Erica vagans'') H4, H5, H6, H7 * Musk stork's-bill (''Erodium moschatum'') OV14 * Portland Spurge (''Euphorbia portlandica'') H7, CG1 * the eyebright ''Euphrasia pseudokerneri'' CG2 * Wood Fescue (''Festuca altissima'') W8 * Snake's-head Fritillary (''Fritillaria meleagris'') MG4 * Tall ramping-fumitory (''Fumaria bastardii'') OV6, OV11, OV13 * Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem (''Gagea lutea'') W9 * Wall Bedstraw (''Galium parisiense'') CG7 * Slender Bedstraw (''Galium pumilum'') CG2, CG5 * Limestone Bedstraw (''Galium sterneri'') CG2, CG10 * Early Gentian (''Gentianella anglica'') CG1, CG2 * Chiltern Gentian (''Gentianella germanica'') CG2 * Hairy Greenweed (''Genista pilosa'')) H2, H7, MC5 * Bog Orchid (''Hammarbya paludosa'') M1 * White Rock-rose (''Helianthemum apenninum'') CG1 * Hoary Rock-rose (''Helianthemum canum'') CG1 * the hybrid between White and Hoary Rock-roses ''Helianthemum × sulfureum'' CG1 * Musk Orchid (''Herminium monorchis'') CG2, CG4, CG5 * Fringed Rupturewort (''Herniaria ciliolata'') H7, MC5 * Lizard Orchid (''Himantoglossum hircinum'') CG7 * Hutchinsia (''Hornungia petraea'') CG7, OV39 * Spotted Cat's-ear (''Hypochoeris maculata'') CG1, CG2, CG3 * Wild Candytuft (''Iberis amara'') CG2 * Land Quillwort (''Isoetes histrix'') H7 * Dwarf Rush (''Juncus capitatus'') H6 * Somerset Hair-grass (''Koeleria vallesiana'') CG1 * Rock Sea-lavender (''Limonium recurvum'') MC1 * Perennial Flax (''Linum perenne'' subsp. ''anglicum'') CG2, CG3 * Hairy bird's-foot trefoil (''Lotus hispidus'') MC5 * Tufted Loosestrife (''Lysimachia thyrsiflora'') W1, W3, M4 * Bur Medick (''Medicago minima'') CG7 * Sickle Medick (''Medicago falcata'') CG7 * Toothed medick (''Medicago polymorpha'') OV14 * Sand Lucerne (''Medicago sativa'' ssp. ''varia'') CG7 * Oysterplant (''Mertensia maritima'') SD3 * Early Sand-grass (''Mibora minima'') SD19, MC5 * Fine-leaved Sandwort (''Minuartia hybrida'') CG7 * Spring Sandwort (''Minuartia verna'') H7, CG10, MC5 * Alpine Forget-me-not (''Myosotis alpestris'') CG10 * Dwarf Cudweed (''Omalotheca supina'') CG10 * Small Restharrow (''Ononis reclinata'') MC5 * Late Spider-orchid (''Ophrys fuciflora'') CG2 * Early Spider-orchid (''Ophrys sphegodes'') CG2, MC4 * Monkey Orchid (''Orchis simia'') CG2 * Burnt Orchid (''Orchis ustulata'') CG2 * Orange Bird's-foot (''Ornithopus pinnatus'') MC5 * Oxtongue Broomrape (''Orobanche picridis'') CG2 * Purple Oxytropis (''Oxytropus halleri'') MC10 * Curved Hard-grass (''Parapholis incurva'') MC1 * Milk-parsley (''Peucedanum palustre'') W2 * Purple-stem Cat's-tail (''Phleum phleoides'') CG7 * Round-headed Rampion (''Phyteuma tenerum'') CG2, CG3, CG5 * Bulbous Meadow-grass (''Poa bulbosa'') MC5 * Early Meadow-grass (''Poa infirma'') MC5 * Jacob's-ladder (''Polemonium caeruleum'') MG2 * Four-leaved Allseed (''Polycarpon tetraphyllum'') MC5 * Dwarf Milkwort (''Polygala amara'') CG2 * Chalk Milkwort (''Polygala calcarea'') CG2, CG3, CG5 * Whorled Solomon's-seal (''Polygonatum verticillatum'') W9 * Ray's Knotgrass (''Polygonum oxyspermum'' ssp. ''raii'') SD2, SD3 * Holly fern (''Polystichum lonchitis'') OV40 * Spring Cinquefoil (''Potentilla neumanniana'') CG1, CG7 * Oxlip (''Primula elatior'') W8 * ''Primula × digenea'', the hybrid between Oxlip and Primrose (''P. vulgaris'') W8 * Scottish Primrose (''Primula scotica'') H7, MC10 * Pasqueflower (''Pulsatilla vulgaris'') CG2, CG3, CG5 * Round-leaved Wintergreen (''Pyrola rotundifolia'') W2, W3 * Brown Beak-sedge (''Rhynchospora fusca'') M1 * Mountain Currant (''Ribes alpinum'') W8 * Sand Crocus (''Romulea columnae'') MC5 * Alpine Pearlwort (''Sagina saginoides'') CG10 * Dwarf Willow (''Salix herbacea'') CG10 * Dark-leaved Willow (''Salix myrsinifolia'') W3 * Meadow Clary (''Salvia pratensis'') CG2 * Perennial Glasswort (''Sarcocornia perennis'') SM10 * Shepherd's-needle (''Scandix pecten-veneris'') OV15 * Rannoch-rush (''Scheuchzeria palustris'') M1 * Autumn Squill (''Scilla autumnalis'') H7, CG1, MC5 * Spring Squill (''Scilla verna'') H5, H6, H7, MC10, CG1, MC5, MC12 * Rock Stonecrop (''Sedum forsterianum'') CG1 * Silver Ragwort (''Senecio cineraria'') CG1 * Field Fleawort (''Senecio integrifolius'' ssp. ''integrifolius'') CG2, CG3, MC5 * Moon Carrot (''Seseli libanotis'') CG2 * Sibbaldia (''Sibbaldia procumbens'') CG10 * Sand Catchfly (''Silene conica'') CG7 * Small-flowered catchfly (''Silene gallica'') OV2, OV6 * Night-flowering catchfly (''Silene noctiflora'') OV16 * Nottingham Catchfly (''Silene nutans'') MG1, CG2, OV41, OV39, MC4 * Spanish Catchfly (''Silene otites'') CG7 * London-rocket (''Sisymbrium irio'')OV14 * Autumn Ladies'-tresses (''Spiranthes spiralis'') CG2, H7 * the dandelion ''Taraxacum fulgidum'' MG4 * the dandelion ''Taraxacum haematicum'' MG4 * the dandelion ''Taraxacum melanthoides'' MG4 * the dandelion ''Taraxacum sublaeticolor'' MG4 * the dandelion ''Taraxacum subundulatum'' MG4 * the dandelion ''Taraxacum tamesense'' MG4 * Cut-leaved Germander (''Teucrium botrys'') CG2 * Marsh Fern (''Thelypteris palustris'') W2 * Bastard toadflax (''Thesium humifusum'') CG2, CG3, CG5 * Breckland Thyme (''Thymus serpyllum'') CG7 * Large Thyme (''Thymus pulegioides'') CG2, CG3, CG5 * Large-leaved Lime (''Tilia platyphyllos'') W8 * Scottish Asphodel (''Tofieldia pusilla'') CG10 * Twin-headed Clover (''Trifolium bocconei'') H6, H7 * Western Clover (''Trifolium occidentale'') H7, MC10, MC5 * Suffocated clover (''Trifolium suffocatum'') MC5, OV2 * Intermediate Bladderwort (''Utricularia intermedia'') M1 * Spiked Speedwell (''Veronica spicata'') CG1, CG2, CG7 * Fingered speedwell (''Veronica triphyllos'') OV3 * Spring Speedwell (''Veronica verna'') CG7 * Pale Dog-violet (''Viola lactea'') H3 * Dune Fescue (''Vulpia membranacea'') SD19 * Alpine woodsia (''Woodsia alpina'') OV40 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「List of rare species in the British National Vegetation Classification」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク